SRP PUBLIC SCHOOL There is a school where students are motivated to successfully face tomorrow's challenges in a safe and reliable environment. The hard work of our staff, students and parents made it possible. This will work with everyone to increase our students to increase new, difficult academic standards. Encouraging and supporting your child at home increases the chances of success. It is important that we all work together as a team, they say that they will become the same as you think, that is, you become the same as you think, so if you want to become big and successful in life, then we also think of our thinking We have to do big, if we think very big, we will definitely try to fulfill it and this effort can definitely make us big one day. Many incidents occur in life, which are mostly between failure or success and often people start to feel less than others when they get failure, that is, they consider their value less in their own eyes and then in such a situation The brain starts going towards negative thought, but have you thought how the value of the person who has made God can be reduced. A success or failure cannot be written with the scale of the whole life.
Manager:- Ranjeet Sir (BSc AG, BA, MA, Bed.,BTC ,TET, PGDCA , FCI -Qualified Rank-3)
SRP Public School Saraimir Azamgarh